Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Why are we the way we are?

Have you sometimes wondered why you act the way you do? Have u thought of what is responsible for the choices u make? Now dont tell me 'upbringing' o, cos i am sure most of us were given good upbringings yet we do some very wrong things, we say wrong things, we think wrong things. Before we commit an act, there are usually 2 voices that we hear in our heads(our conscience). in sunday school, we were taught that those voices are that of an angel and the devil. truth is, we know which is which yet we most times go with what the devil says.
FREEWILL (ability to make whatever choices you wish to make) - PREDESTINATION (everything happening on earth has been destined to happen from the beginning of time) this is always where i get confused. if everything has be destined to happen the way they happened, then noone should be held accountable for wrong doings, dont you think?
Does this happen to you? sometimes, before you do something, you have this flashing feeling of what that action will result to and in most cases it does happen the way we felt it. ie, u think of taking something not belonging to  you and ur mind says 'u will be caught, dont do it' yet u take it thinking 'if i am sharp enough i wouldnt be caught' but u end up being caught and then you ask urself 'but i knew i would be caught so why did i do it'? thats when we hear people say 'its the devils handiwork'
I thank God i am a catholic christain, honestly, cos i dont have to try to understand. I just have to accept life and strive to listen to the 'angel' voice and do what he says.

1 comment:

  1. You spoke true and sincere words my dear sister. Our world is so engrossed is debilitating moral practices and everyone around the corner excuses their actions with one argument or another and as such strenghten the hold of the evil one in our society. We all must join hands to ensure character remoulding and entrenchment of christian values. We must acknowledge the basic catechism teachings that God made us to know Him, Love Him, Serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next life. Also, what shall it profit a man if if gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his own soul.ngrossed is debilitating moral practices and everyone around the corner excuses their actions with one argument or another and as such strenghten the hold of the evil one in our society. We all must join hands to ensure character remoulding and entrenchment of christian values. We must acknowledge the basic catechism teachings that God made us to know Him, Love Him, Serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next life. Also, what shall it profit a man if if gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his own soul.


Words of wisdom!